Diana Finite Element Software
Oct 4, 2016 - Exercises and case studies are based on the DIANA software. DIANA (DIsplacement ANAlyzer) is an extensive multi-purpose finite element. DIANA (DIsplacement ANAlyzer) is an extensive multipurpose finite element software package that is dedicated, but not exclusive, to analysis of a wide range of problems arising in civil and oil & gas engineering including structural, geotechnical, tunnelling, and earthquake engineering disciplines. Kamus bahasa inggris ke bahasa indonesia.
Currently, I'm working with a finite element software called, I've been always capable of running 'simple' models with MATLAB executing a batch file. Nevertheless, now I'm starting to use more 'complex' models (just more robust, with more elements), but the procedure is exactly the same to the one that I've been using before. The problem is that now I can't run the model from MATLAB, it apparently start to run it, but stops suddenly. I'm using the next commands: dos('path filename.bat') or system(fullfile(path,'filename.bat' )) Both lines execute the.bat file. I thought that I had something wrong with the files, so I reviewed them but apparently there's nothing wrong with them.
Then I just made double click on the.bat file, and the procedure runs without problems. Then I realized that the problem wasn't the files, it was the execution from MATLAB. Now that you know the context of the problem, can you giving me some advice in order to avoid that MATLAB 'kills' the process internally? The trace of execution showed in MATLAB: diana: working directory is *CURRENT DIRECTORY NAME* diana: input file is *FILENAME*.dat diana: command file is *FILENAME*.dcf diana: output file is *FILENAME*.out diana: filos file is diana.ff DIANA JOB 8028 finished The trace execution making directly double click in the batch file is the following: In the remarked files showed in the previous figure, are contained the output of the model, while executing directly from MATLAB, those don't appear, because MATLAB finish the process before. Thanks in advance for any answer! Pd: I'm using a computer with the next characteristics: Windows7, 12 Gb RAM, OS 64bits, Processor Intel Xeon 2.53 GHz.